Monday, August 27, 2007

Michelle and Oma walking the shoreline to get closer to the swans. Michelle tried hard to get a close up picture but they were too elusive..

Oma wandering the shoreline

Opa supervising the swimmers - he only napped a little bit....
Taking a dip in Lake Ontario. Water was on the cold side....brrrrr.....

Arrived at Darlington Prov. Park Monday afternoon and the kids went swimming. They decided that throwing rocks at the seagulls was more fun than the water

Needless to say, Dad had no trouble resting at the hotel!

On our (Mam, Dad, Cole, Michelle, Allison, Alexander, and I) way to Darlington Provincial Park we had a mishap with the van and ended up spending the night at the Hoiday Inn in Trenton. Cole and Alexander are "sleeping" hahah..... in the big bed at the hotel. They got to go swimming in the pool the next morning and we got underway just before lunch on Monday.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Alexander and neighbour Alexa - Going...


No, we can't tell at all that you love being at the cottage :-)

Michelle simply enjoying herself

Alexander showing off